Privacy Policy

Grow Health Store holds some information about you. This page outlines how that information is used, who we may share that information with and how we keep it secure. This notice does not provide exhaustive detail. However, we are happy to provide any additional information or explanation needed. Any requests for this should be sent to the

We keep our Privacy Notice under regular review. This Privacy Notice was last reviewed in January 2022.

1. What we do

Grow Health Store is an online retailer that specialises in selling health food products to the public. This is done through allowing customers to place and pay for orders via their downloadable order form, after which the orders are delivered to customers via courier services.

2. How we obtain your personal data

Information provided by you

You provide us with personal data in the following ways:

  • By signing up for our newsletter and monthly order forms
  • By sending us email correspondence
  • By contacting us via telephone or post
  • By taking credit card and online payments
  • By downloading free resources offered on our website
  • By participating in surveys and feedback forms

This may include the following information:

  • Basic personal details such as name, physical address, email address, phone number, other contact details
  • Bank details

We use this information in order to provide you with online retail shopping and delivery services. This means that the legal basis of our holding your personal data is for legitimate interest.

3. How we use your personal data

We act as a data controller for use of your personal data to provide online retail shopping services. We also act as a data controller and processor in regard to the processing of credit card and online payments.

We undertake at all times to protect your personal data, including any health and contact details, in a manner which is consistent with our duty of professional confidence and the requirements of the Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act. We will also take reasonable security measures to protect your personal data storage.

We may use your personal data where there is an overriding public interest in using the information e.g. in order to safeguard an individual, or to prevent a serious crime. Also where there is a legal requirement such as a formal court order. We may use your data for marketing purposes such as newsletters, but this would be subject to you giving us your express consent.

4. Do you share my personal information with other organisations?

We will keep information about you confidential. We will only disclose your information with other third parties with your express consent with the exception of the following categories of third parties:

  • Any contractors and advisors that provide a service to us or act as our agents on the understanding that they keep the information confidential.
  • Anyone to whom we may transfer our rights and duties under any agreement we have with you.
  • Any legal or crime prevention agencies and/or to satisfy any regulatory request.

5. What are my rights?

Every individual has the right to see, amend, delete or have a copy of data held that can identify you, with some exceptions. You do not need to give a reason to see your data.

If you want to access your data you must make a subject access request in writing to Under special circumstances, some information may be withheld. We shall respond within 20 working days from the point of receiving the request and all necessary information from you. Our response will include the details of the personal data we hold on you including:

  • Sources from which we acquired the information
  • The purposes of processing the information
  • Persons or entities with whom we are sharing the information

You have the right, subject to exemptions, to ask to:

  • Have your information deleted
  • Have your information corrected or updated where it is no longer accurate
  • Ask us to stop processing information about you where we are not required to do so by law.
  • Receive a copy of your personal data, which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format and have the right to transmit that data to another controller, without hindrance from us.
  • Object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning you

We do not carry out any automated processing, which may lead to automated decision based on your personal data.

If you would like to invoke any of the above rights then please write to the Data Controller

6. What safeguards are in place to ensure data that identifies me is secure?

We only use information that may identify you in accordance with POPI and GDPR. This requires us to process personal data only if there is a legitimate basis for doing so and that any processing must be fair and lawful. 

We also ensure the information we hold is kept in secure locations, restrict access to information to authorised personnel only, and protect personal and confidential information held on equipment such as laptops with access passwords. We ensure external data processors that support us are legally and contractually bound to operate and prove security arrangements are in place where data that could or does identify a person are processed.

7. How long do you hold confidential information for?

Grow Health Store will keep personal data for no longer than reasonably necessary to perform its services or comply with regulatory or legal requirements.

Data will be kept up to date and changes made as required.

8. Website technical details

a. Forms

We do use electronic forms on our website, hosted by third party service providers, which have a number of built-in features to help ensure privacy. We also aim to use secure forms where appropriate. 

b. Cookies

We do not currently make use of cookies on our website, some of our third party providers may make use of cookies and details of their privacy policies can be found on their websites.

Note our statement on analytics software below – as analytics software may uses cookies to function.

Most web browsers allow some control of most cookies through the browser settings. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit

9. Analytics

Like most websites, we make use of analytics software in order to help us understand the trends in popularity of our website and of different sections. We make no use of personally identifiable information in any of the statistical reports we use from this package. We use an analytics service called Counter, a privacy-first analytics service, who provide details of their privacy policy on their website.

"We do not collect any personal data. If you decide to create an account, we ask for the bare minimum and only share it with services that are absolutely necessary for the app to function."

Counter is a privacy-first service, and as such we opted for it over more conventional analytics services that may share and sell your data to advertisers.

10. Complaints

If you have a complaint regarding the use of your personal data then please contact us by writing to the Data Controller by email at and we will do our best to help you.

Disclaimer: Grow Health Store (hereafter referred to as ‘Grow’) is not a medical organisation and the information generated by Grow should not be interpreted as a substitute for a medical consultation. Nothing contained in the marketing communication, product descriptions, podcasts, blogs, courses, or any other informative or educational materials published by Grow should be construed as medical advice or diagnosis. It is your responsibility to determine, through obtaining appropriate medical advice, that you are fit and well and that the use of products purchased from Grow are suitable for your use. It is not Grow’s responsibility to do so. Please seek advice from your doctor if you're in any way concerned about your health or if you have an existing medical condition that could be affected by changes in eating habits and supplementation, if you believe you have an eating disorder, or if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy.